Hey there, I'm a 19-year-old computer science engineering enthusiast! I'm super excited to be pursuing my passion for tech and learning all about the latest advancements in the field. It's amazing to think about how much technology has already changed our lives and I can't wait to be a part of what's next.
As a computer science engineer, I get to work on some really cool projects like developing software applications, designing computer networks, building artificial intelligence systems and exploring virtual reality environments. It's challenging work but it's also really rewarding to see the projects come to life and know that I played a part in making them happen.
I'm constantly learning new skills like coding, debugging, optimizing programs, analyzing data and developing algorithms to solve real-world problems. There's always something new to learn and explore, which keeps me motivated and excited about my future in the field.

Student at VIT University, Vellore
Currently Pursuing 2nd Year Computer Science Engineering, with specialization in Data Science.
- Birthday: 10 Jan 2004
- Phone: +91 6380383363
- City: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Age: 19
- Degree: Masters
- Email: arjun.s2021c@vitstudent.ac.in
Resume Download
Arjun S
- Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- +91 6380383363
- arjun.s2021c@vitstudent.ac.in
Int. M Tech Computer Science and Engineering with Data Science
2021 - present
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
CGPA: 9.16/10
class XII
2020 - 2021
DAV Senior Secondary School, Chennai
Scored 96.4% in CBSE Examination
class X
Velammal Vidyalaya, Chennai
Scored 92.8% in CBSE Examination
Lead Developer (Intern) at 7 Stones Digital
Jul 2024 - Sep 2024
Led a development team to build kitchen inventory and chef management modules for an ERP system using PHP. Our work attracted new clients, increasing the company's revenue.
Achievements and Volunteering
Educator and Speaker, Government High School, Vedakollaimedu and Chennai
Delivered a talk on "Exploring the World Beyond Schooling" and led a team of four to teach basic English to government school students, fostering learning and confidence.
Young Environmental Scientist (YES) Title Winner, IWMA, IIT Madras
Led a team of four to engineer the “Exhaust Reactor”, an innovative device that captures carbon from vehicle exhaust to mitigate emissions and slow climate change.
OpenLearn, A Promise that World Class Learning will always be incredibly affordable
Designed OpenLearn, an empty AI-powered platform democratizing education by enabling global expert contributions, using Angular, Llama LLM, Python Django REST Framework, and Neo4j.
Web Mining and NLP on Information Authenticity
Built a fake news detection system that scraped Instagram news channels, stored data in MongoDB, and assessed query authenticity using NLP techniques.
Tamil Handwritten Spelling Error Correction
Engineered a system to digitize Tamil handwritten text using neural networks, image dilation, and contouring, with context-aware spelling error correction using NLP.
FOODIES, A Food Ordering Application in Angular
Developed a mobile-friendly food ordering web app, using Angular and Python Django REST API. Integrated an admin panel for statistical insights and visualizations using Chart.js.
LanChat, A Chat Application in Python
Created a chatting application using Python socket programming, PyQt5, and MySQL for real-time communication.
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (2024)
- Advanced Learning Algorithms, Stanford University (2024)
- CS50’s Web Programming with Python and Javascript, Harvard University (2024)
- CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python, Harvard University (2024)
- Neo4j Graph Database, Certified Professional, Graph Academy (2024)
- The Power of Statistics, Google (2023)
- Supervised Machine Learning, Stanford University (2023)